Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav on Saturday met Prime Minister Narendra Modi to discuss the drought situation in the state, reported PTI. The Samajwadi Party government had submitted a memorandum seeking help from the Centre on Thursday. Taking stock of the severe scarcity of water in region, especially Bundelkhand, Modi ordered immediate assistance to the state for the Rabi 2015-'16 season, as was requested by the state government.
The prime minister also suggested the states work with the central government to devise long-term solutions for drought-proofing. A statement released by the Prime Minister's Office after the meeting said Yadav told Modi that his government plans to create one lakh new water bodies, recharge old structures, and revive 78,000 water bodies, including tanks, ponds, and farm ponds. The government will use funds available in schemes such as MNREGA and Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana to materials the plans.
Earlier this week, Yadav's government had rejected the Centre's offer to send a water train to the drought-hit region of Bundelkhand. However, Yadav on Saturday sought assistance from the Centre of around Rs 11,000 crore to help tackle the situation, PTI reported.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis also met Modi on Saturday and told him that the ongoing drought conditions have spread to 11,000 more villages in the state, reported ANI. After the meeting, Fadnavis said the Centre, which has already been helping the government deal with the situation, has promised further assistance. The CM has sought around Rs 10,000 crores from the central government for the three years to complete pending irrigation projects in the state, reported the Times of India.
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