While local Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam leaders on Friday protested the choice of a few party candidates for the upcoming elections, clashes also broke out among cadres of the state’s ruling party, All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazgham. Party workers protested outside DMK chief M Karunanidhi’s house in Chennai on Friday, The Times of India reported, while party people also protested in Vellore, Jolarpet, Salem and Trichy. A DMK worker also attempted suicide in Vellore, the report added. The DMK has chosen 175 party candidates to contest in the polls, and given 59 seats to alliance partners.

AIADMK members also protested their party’s choice of candidates for the May 16 polls. The report said clashes broke out among party workers in Erode and Chennai. Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has reportedly chosen many senior party members to contest in the elections, and made several changes to the candidate list even after it was released.