Parliamentary Affairs Minister M Venkaiah Naidu said in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday that the government was aware of reports in the media that the Central Board of Secondary Education's Class XII mathematics examination paper was very tough and was leaked. Naidu said that the Human Resource Development Minister Smriti Irani will be informed of the matter and an inquiry will take place. This was after the CBSE denied claims made by students and parents from Ranchi and Dhanbad in Jharkhand that "agents" were selling 51 questions and answers near exam centres on Sunday, and that questions were also shared on WhatsApp.
While the board said its experts had found that only two of the questions and answers supposedly leaked matched with those in the paper that was set, parents claimed 14 of them matched. A senior CBSE official told The Times of India that the board was not treating it as a leak and that the tally of two was a usual occurrence as there were numerous sample papers, including its own, available on the Internet.
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