A 22-year-old Dalit man was hacked to death by three men on a motorbike in Udumalaipettai town in Tamil Nadu’s Tirupur district on Sunday. Sankar was allegedly killed for marrying a 19-year-old woman, Kausalya, from the Thevar community, a dominant caste in South India, eight months ago. The couple got married even though Kausalya’s family was opposed to it. Her father, against whom Kausalya had filed a complaint for threatening them and insisting she return home, surrendered before police on Monday.
The assailants attacked the couple with sickles at a crowded junction as soon as they exited a shopping complex. Sankar had multiple injuries, including a deep gash on his neck. He was declared dead on arrival at the Coimbatore Medical College and Hospital. Kausalya was attacked as well and admitted to a local hospital with multiple injuries, but police said she was out of danger. Senior officers investigating the incident have verified the image of the three men fleeing on a bike, which is one of the many images and videos bystanders shot within moments of the attack. A major search operation is underway, but police have yet to ascertain their identities.
Moreover, Chairman of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes PL Punia has sought a report from the Tamil Nadu government on the murder. “We have seen that there have been many cases of Dalit atrocities in Tamil Nadu. I will personally visit the state. There needs to be sensitivity regarding security of Dalits," Punia said.
The violent attack was caught on a CCTV camera. (The video may be graphic for some.)
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