The Sirsi police have registered a criminal case against Bharatiya Janata Party MP Ananthkumar Hegde, for allegedly making inflammatory statement at a press conference in the Uttara Kannada town on Sunday. The Hindu reported that a suo motu case was registered against him for insulting religious beliefs with the intention of stoking communal violence. Hegde had allegedly said, “As long as Islam is there in this world, terrorism will be there. Until and unless we root out Islam from this world, terrorism cannot be eradicated.”
Several Muslim organisations in the Bhatkal town in Karnataka condemned the MP's statement on Tuesday, and demanded action against him. They submitted a memorandum to Uttara Kannada Superintendent of Police C Vamsi, saying that the statement was malicious and aimed at creating law and order problems. Majlise-Islah Wa Tanzeem, Bhatkal, general secretary, Altaf Kharuri requested the police to thoroughly investigate the matter and take appropriate action against Hegde, reported The Hindu.
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