Delhi lawyer Vikram Chauhan was released on bail on Wednesday, hours after he was arrested in connection with the mob violence that erupted at the Patiala House Court last week. NDTV said Chauhan appeared before the police six days after he was summoned for questioning in the incident, where students and teachers from Jawaharlal Nehru University and journalists were beaten up on February 15. The incident took place when the court was hearing the case of JNU Students' Union president Kanhaiya Kumar, who was arrested on charges of sedition.
Before entering the police station, Chauhan said that media channels were portraying him as a criminal although allegations against him have not been proven yet. He had also said that he would be cleared after the police went through video evidence. He is one of the three lawyers who were caught on camera admitting they thrashed Kumar while he was in police custody. The other two lawyers, Yashpal Singh and Om Sharma, were also arrested earlier, before being granted bail.
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