Gay and lesbian groups have urged voters in the Philippines to boycott eight-time boxing champion Manny Pacquiao in the elections this May, in protest against his remarks describing homosexuals as “worse than animals”. A petition on, which calls for global sportswear company Nike to drop Pacquiao as an endorser, has already been signed by more than 2,000 people. Twitter hashtags against Pacquiao, such as #NoToManny2016, #zerovoteformanny and #WorseThanAnimals also began trending on Wednesday.

Pacquiao made the controversial statement in an interview with a local television broadcaster earlier this week. While he issued an apology after his remarks drew severe criticism, he maintained that he was still against gay marriages. The 37-year-old is campaigning for the elections as a conservative Catholic politician. Gay marriage is not permitted in the Philippines, as the Catholic Church strongly opposes it. As much as 80% of the country's population subscribes to the faith.