Actor Govinda on Tuesday told the Supreme Court that he is willing to offer an unconditional apology and Rs 5 lakh as compensation to a fan he had slapped while shooting for a film in Mumbai in 2008, reported ANI. A Supreme Court bench hearing the case had asked the actor in December 2015 to either apologise to the fan or face prosecution for criminal intimidation and assault.
Santosh Ray had filed a criminal complaint against the actor, who allegedly slapped him without provocation during the shooting of Money Hai Toh Honey Hai. After the Bombay High Court quashed a trial court order summoning Govinda as an accused in the case, Ray moved the Supreme Court, reported The Hindu. An apex court bench of Justices TS Thakur and V Gopala Gowda told Govinda’s counsel, "We also like watching his movies. He is a big actor. [But] when you make a mistake you should have a heart to admit it. You should ask him (the complainant) to forgive and forget.”
Ray, however, is not satisfied with the actor's offer. He told ANI that Govinda should meet him first.
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