An anonymous politician of the United States has nominated Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize. The nominator praised Trump’s aggressive foreign policy ideology, saying it functioned "as a threat weapon of detterence" against radical Islam, the Islamic State, Iran’s nuclear activities and Communist China. The Telegraph said the nominator is likely to be a Republican senator or congressman – both of whom are eligible to recommend.

Oslo’s Peace Research Institute, which publishes an annual prediction of the likely winner, confirmed that it had been sent a copy of Trump's nomination letter last week. Whistleblower Edward Snowden tops the institute’s list of most probable winners.

During his election campaign, Trump made more than a few controversial statements, for which he was criticised worldwide. He called for a ban on Muslims from entering the US and also described Latino Americans as rapists. He also vowed to “beat the shit” out of the IS with indiscriminate carpet bombing.