Bharatiya Janata Party leader Ram Madhav on Thursday criticised actor Aamir Khan during a speech, weeks after the actor kicked up a controversy on the intolerance issue in the country. Madhav, in a speech, asked those who preached to autorickshaw drivers about India’s prestige to also teach their wives about the country. The actor had starred in an Incredible India commercial in which an autorickshaw driver helped a tourist who had been conned by another driver.
Khan in November last year had said that his wife had thought about leaving the country because she feared for her family due to the rising levels of intolerance in India. His remarks caused a huge controversy, and came at a time when the issue was being widely discussed and many intellectuals were returning government awards in protest.
Madhav, who was addressing students at Delhi University’s SGBT Khalsa college, also urged those who had returned awards to consider the impact it would have on India’s image, and added that the country has progressed a lot since Prime Minister Narendra Modi took up office in May 2014. He said that the party is dedicated to the country’s security and that no compromise would be accepted on the matter. He said, “We will take care that no need arises to return awards years later”.
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