Bharatiya Janata Party leader Subramanian Swamy on Friday said that the juvenile convict in the December 2012 Delhi gangrape case is an animal, and freeing him would be dangerous. Swamy filed a petition in the Delhi High Court, saying that the juvenile cannot be released until it is "demonstrably assured" that he has reformed and was not a menace to society, reported PTI. He also asked the court to make provisions to handle such cases, saying that juvenile laws are "not applicable for such kind of heinous crimes".
Soon after Swamy filed his petition, the Delhi High Court issued a notice to the Centre regarding the steps the government will be taking for the rehabilitation of the convict after his release on December 15. The court asked whether a management committee has been constituted as per the Juvenile Justice Rules, ruling that this was "not an ordinary case and requires consideration".
The Intelligence Bureau in September said that the convict had been "radicalised" in his juvenile home by a suspect in the 2011 Delhi High Court blasts. Recent reports have said that the Ministry of Home Affairs is looking into the matter, and Delhi Police were considering keeping the convict in custody for one more year under provisions of the National Security Act. The National Human Rights Commission had also issued a notice to the Centre on the issue last month.
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