Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday extended his support to ex-servicemen protesting against the government’s version of the One Rank One Pension scheme. The Aam Aadmi party chief said that the Centre had been unjust to the veterans, adding that all their demands were logical and what had been promised had not been delivered, reported The Hindu.

Defence minister Manohar Parrikkar stood by the government’s November 7 notification on the scheme. He also said, "OROP is a promise of [the] BJP, it is not a government promise. So whatever understanding we had after discussing with various ex-servicemen associations, we have given maximum."

The government had formally notified the OROP scheme for over 24 lakh ex-servicemen and six lakh war widows in the country last Saturday. The notification, however, was rejected by the protesters as inadequate. The protests have been going on for over four months now at Delhi's Jantar Mantar.