Twenty-five Indian nationals have been awarded the death sentence in the United Arab Emirates, the Union government told Parliament on Thursday. However, the judgements were yet to be implemented.

In all, 49 Indians have been sentenced to death in eight different countries, the government said. Apart from the United Arab Emirates, 11 Indians were given the death sentence in Saudi Arabia, six in Malaysia, three in Kuwait and one each in Indonesia, Qatar, the United States and Yemen.

All these death sentences are yet to be executed.


The data was provided by the Ministry of External Affairs in the Rajya Sabha in response to queries raised by Indian Union Muslim League MP PV Abdul Wahab.

Wahab sought to know the details of Indians languishing in prison for years in foreign countries in the last five years, as well as whether the Union government was providing legal support to them.

He also sought to know the details of any Indians who had been executed or were awaiting capital punishment in foreign countries during the last five years and the efforts made by the Union government to save their lives.


“As per the information available with the ministry, the number of Indian prisoners, including undertrials, in foreign prisons at present is 10,152,” Minister of State for External Affairs Kirti Vardhan Singh said in a written response.

Singh also said that Indian nationals had been executed in Malaysia, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia in the last five years.

In 2024, three Indians each were either executed or sentenced to death in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, while one was executed in Zimbabwe. In 2023, five Indians were executed each in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, and one in Malaysia.


“No data available as the same is not shared by the UAE authorities,” the minister said. “As per the informal information available with the Mission, no Indians have been executed from 2020 to 2024.”

Singh added that the Union government attached high priority to the safety, security and well-being of Indian nationals in foreign countries, including those in foreign jails.

“Indian Missions/Posts abroad remain vigilant and closely monitor the incidents of Indian nationals being put in jail in foreign countries for violation/alleged violation of local laws,” he said, adding that they remained vigilant to ensure that the rights of the Indian prisoners in foreign jails were protected.


“Indian Missions/Posts abroad provide all possible assistance to Indian nationals who have been sentenced, including with death sentences by the foreign courts,” Singh said. “Indian Missions/Posts also provide consular access by visiting the jails and follow up their cases with courts, jails, public prosecutors and other concerned agencies.”

He added that imprisoned Indian nationals were also assisted in exploring several legal remedies, including the filing of an appeal and mercy petitions.

The minister also said that the issue of the release and repatriation of Indian nationals in foreign prisons was regularly pursued by Indian missions and posts abroad with the concerned local authorities.