The Delhi Police on Wednesday filed a non-cognisable report against Bharatiya Janata Party leader Parvesh Verma for allegedly distributing shoes to voters at a temple in alleged violation of the Model Code of Conduct ahead of the Assembly elections in the national capital, The Indian Express reported.

However, Verma, who is the BJP’s candidate for the New Delhi seat, denied the allegations.

A non-cognisable report means that the police cannot arrest Verma without a warrant. The police also need permission from a court to start an investigation.


The report was registered after advocate Rajnish Bhaskar filed a complaint with the Election Commission, alleging that Verma was distributing shoes to voters at the Valmiki temple near the Mandir Marg police station, according to the newspaper.

Bhaskar also submitted two video clips allegedly showing Verma distributing the shoes.

Following the complaint, the District Election Officer for the New Delhi Assembly segment said that immediate action was taken and the matter was referred to the Mandir Marg station house officer for further investigation.


The police filed the non-cognisable report for alleged violation of the poll code and sections of the Representation of People Act that prohibit candidates or their agents from offering or distributing gifts or gratifications to influence voters.

The Model Code of Conduct came into force on January 7, when the Election Commission announced the poll schedule. Voting will take place in a single phase on February 5 and the counting of votes will take place on February 8.

The code is a set of guidelines issued by the poll panel that political parties, candidates and the government must follow during an election. It sets guardrails for speeches, campaigning, meetings, processions, election manifestos and other aspects of the polls.


Verma refuted the claims and said that he was honouring sanitation workers by placing shoes on their feet.

“These workers are the unsung heroes of our city,” The Indian Express quoted him as saying. “They ensure that Delhi stays clean and beautiful, and I am deeply grateful for their efforts.”

The police action comes days after the Election Commission on January 9 directed the chief electoral officer in Delhi to investigate the Aam Aadmi Party’s complaint against Verma.

The party alleged that the BJP candidate was distributing money to voters and promising job fairs. Verma is contesting against Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal for the New Delhi Assembly seat.


A week after the complaint was filed, the poll panel said that it had found “no credible evidence” to back the complaint. It added that “no incidence of any allurement of voters” had been reported, according to India Today.

“The allegations are vague in nature that bed sheets, shoes, spectacles and jackets are being distributed in broad daylight,” the district election officer added.

Kejriwal criticised the Election Commission for giving a “clean chit” to Verma.

“The whole country saw this BJP leader distributing goods,” Kejriwal wrote on X. “All the media recorded it. It is very shameful that the DEO/DM [district election officer/ distract magistrate] could not see anything. The DEO/DM gave him a clean chit within a few hours of our complaint.”