Former Bengaluru Police Commissioner Bhaskar Rao on Monday joined the Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party. He joined the party in their Delhi headquarters, in the presence of Kejriwal, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, and Karnataka AAP leaders.

AAP had announced on March 20 that it will field candidates in Karnataka for the 2023 Assembly Elections.

“I have worked as a police officer for 32 years, worked as a lecturer for a year, and have also worked in the Army,” said Rao. “Whenever I used to come to Delhi, I have closely watched the transformation in the city.”


Rao said he was especially impressed with the party’s contribution to the public education system in the Capital.

Rao claimed that there was a need for “clean leadership” in the country.

“People feel isolated from the government, and we need to bring the government closer to the doorstep in Karnataka like it is in Delhi,” he said.

Rao also spoke about increased corruption, saying he has been in the system. Rao was the Bengaluru police commissioner from August 2019. Previously, he served as the additional director general of police for a little over five years.


He praised the Kejriwal model of governance, saying that it has spread beyond Delhi to Punjab as well, and it should now be brought to the people of Karnataka.

The Aam Aadmi Party in March won a huge majority in the Punjab elections, bagging 92 of 117 seats.