If you are a sports fan, the last few weeks have been very difficult. Regardless of what might have been happening in the world, sports fans always had an escape route. They could turn to watching sport and let their worries melt away for a while at least.

But with sport around the world being cancelled or suspended at an unprecedented rate, fans have been suddenly left up a creek without a paddle. Now, this has prompted fans and even sports stars (many of them in self-isolation) to get creative.


This isn’t to belittle the scope of the coronavirus pandemic, rather it is just an attempt to spread some cheer through memes and videos that have cropped up on the internet.

Here’s a look at some of the ones that have caught our eye:

But jokes aside, here is why we need sport to come back pretty soon:

If you feel we have missed out on any funny memes or videos, please share them in the comments section.