Someity, the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics mascot, was unveiled to the world on February 28, 2018.

The Tokyo 2020 Paralympic mascot’s name was revealed as Someity, (pronounced soh-may-tee) which comes from someiyoshino, a popular cherry blossom variety, and additionally echoes the English phrase “so mighty”.

As per the official communication regarding the mascots, Someity has tactile cherry blossom sensors and exhibits enormous mental and physical strength. It represents Paralympic athletes who overcome obstacles and redefine the boundaries of what is possible.

Someity lives in the digital world, and can move freely between there and the real world via the internet. Someity is a cool character with cherry blossom tactile sensors and super powers. It can send and receive messages telepathically using the cherry blossom antennae on both sides of its face.

It can also fly using its ichimatsu-pattern cloak. It is usually quiet, but it can exhibit great power when necessary. It embodies Paralympic athletes that demonstrate superhuman power. It has a dignified inner strength and it also loves nature. It can talk to stones and wind by using its super power, and is also able to move things by just looking at them.

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Between December 2017 and February 2018, more than 75% of the elementary schools in Japan and a number of overseas Japanese schools took part in a selection process and voted for their favourite set of mascot designs.