“It’s got nothing to do with having one or two or three arms,” says Keith Xander in the video above, talking about playing the guitar. “It’s got to do with your attitude.”

Trust Xander to know what he’s talking about. After all, he is a successful one-armed guitarist and living proof of how grit and determination are all that matter once you’ve set your mind on something.

Xander was born with only one full arm and half of another, but during his adolescence, thanks mostly to Jimi Hendrix, he grew fascinated with the guitar. Many people told Xander it wasn’t possible to play the guitar with one arm and a hook, but he ignored the voices and went on anyway.


This BBC video shows how Xander became an established guitarist and formed a band with his elder brother Stu. Oh, and just in case you were wondering whether Xander and the Peace Pirates – as the Xander brothers’ band is called – is actually good and not just a “gimmick”, know that they have supported major bands like The Doors and Bon Jovi and are currently recording their second album.

Here are a mind-bending guitar solo by Xander, and other videos of the band’s performances.