Make sure you are prepared for the SSC CGL exam by reviewing previous years’ question papers. We bring you a few questions from previous years’ SSC CGL question papers, as well as the answers, so that you are ready to take the government exam. Go through the list of questions (with answers) that we’ve selected from previous years’ SSC CGL exam papers, and then attempt our quiz at the bottom.

General Awareness

1. Which dynasty came to power in India after the Tughlaq dynasty?

(A) The Guptas

(B) The Khiljis

(C) The Mughals


(D) The Sayyids

Ans: D

2. Which of the following is not a component of Smog?

(A) Volatile organic compounds

(B) Nitrogen Oxide

(C) Sulphur dioxide

(D) Chlorine oxide

Ans: D


3. Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary.

1. Feeble

2. From

3. Floor

4. Foam

5. Fluorescent

(A) 13542 (B) 15342 (C) 13524 (D) 15324

Ans: A

4. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase…

With great difficulty, he was able to carve out a niche for himself

(A) become the sculptor


(B) did the best he could do

(C) destroyed his career

(D) developed a specific position for himself

Ans: D

5. Find the odd word / letter / number from the given alternative

(A) Rival

(B) Opponent

(C) Foe

(D) Ally

Ans: D

6. The word that reads the same backwards as forwards:

(A) palindrome

(B) acrostic

(C) homophone

(D) acronym

Ans: A

7. Find the correctly spelt word:

(A) Imakulate

(B) Immakulate

(C) Immaculate

(D) Immculete

Ans: C

Quantitative Analysis & Numerical Ability

8. A series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.


5, 11, 24, 51, 106, ?

(A) 122

(B) 217

(C) 120

(D) 153

Ans: B

9. A dealer sells a machine having marked price as Rs 3840 at a discount of 20%. What is the selling price (in Rs) of the machine?

(A) 3072

(B) 3500

(C) 4608

(D) 3240

Ans: A

10. The list price of shirt is Rs. 440 and a customer pays Rs. 396 for it. The discount rate is…

(A) 10% (B) 10.5% (C) 20% (D) 12%

Ans: A