Sanjay Manaktala grew up in America and moved to India eight years ago to work in India’s booming – at that time, at least – information technology industry. It isn’t clear whether he thought it was a bit of a joke, but now that he has switched to a career as a comedian, he’s cracking jokes about it all the time.

As the video above of one of his stand-up shows demonstrates, there’s no dearth of things to laugh at in the infotech business. Starting with the fact that companies declare they’ve been extremely successful and made record profits – and then offer backpacks instead of pay-hikes to employees.

Manaktala takes friendly digs at the gender ratio in IT companies (are the women all in Human Resources, he asks), fancy designations and superior bosses. He may be joking, but the audience probably realises it’s all built on a backbone of truth.