The whole point of dancing is to move, right? You may think so, but YouTuber Ryan Higa just proved everyone wrong. The self-admitted horrible dancer – who provided a brief montage at the start of the video to prove it – took a challenge upon himself following a comment by one of his followers, and proved to everyone that you can dance without moving.

How? All it took was one week, over 4,000 photographs and a few black skin-suited ninja dance assistants. It all sounds a bit complicated just for simple dancing (without moving) but the result is an elaborate, stunning live-action stop-motion video that you can watch above.


Higa found a loophole in the “dancing without moving” section (there is no such section) and he basically spent a week standing absolutely still, with the dance ninjas moving him around to mid-dance positions. And thanks to the dynamic nature of the stop-motion medium, Higa’s dancing skills improved drastically – enough to enable him to walk over water, float, do ice-skating with banana peels and, of course, dance fabulously.

If you’re wondering about the kind of work and effort that went into the video and the process of actually shooting the dance sequence, you can watch the behind-the-scenes video below: