Steve Irwin had a knack for dealing with large, deadly reptiles like alligators and crocodiles. He certainly would have had no trouble dealing with an alligator that was spotted roaming around in a residential street in Ocoee, near Orlando, USA.

Unfortunately, the Florida Fish and Wildlife trappers who were made responsible for securing and evacuating the reptile from the area clearly lacked Irwin’s skills. As the video above shows, one of them was head-butted, and two others were smacked by the alligator – whose limbs and snout were trussed up at the time.


The video, which was recorded and released by WKMG-TV, shows a bunch of trappers duct-taping the snout of the alligator and hog-tying its limbs in order to put it in the back of a truck. However, in a seemingly desperate last attempt to free itself, the crocodile head-butted one of the trappers, while he got another with its tail. The video below shows the same incident from another angle.

The alligator was eventually taken away, and the trapper recovered. Several viewers on social media, however, were on the side of the reptile.