Classical pianist Fabricio Andre Bernard di Paolo loves challenging musical conventions and experiments whenever he can. His latest video tests seven somewhat unusual instruments, at least one of which doesn’t even work.

Di Paolo, who goes by the name Lord Vinheteiro on YouTube and has been playing music from the time he was eight, nonchalantly starts with the Titanic theme using a slide whistle before moving on to a melodica, a kazoo, an otamatone, a theremin, a silicon piano and finally, doremifa cats. Seriously.


He’s known for his unique perspective on music and has put up several videos in the past, including one in which he combines multiple pieces at the same time, blending Mozart with Haydn, Beethoven with Dvorak, Bach with Tchaikovsky, and more.

He revealed in an interview that he really enjoys music featured in video games. “With the skills acquired in classical piano, it becomes easier to perform octaves, sixth and third, necessary to make a good arrangement of music games,” he said.