A two-year-old girl died on Monday afternoon in Ghaziabad district’s Modi Nagar town allegedly after being attacked by a pack of stray dogs, the Hindustan Times reported. The body of the girl was found in a field next to her house with multiple injuries.

The girl’s parents were not at home at the time of the incident, but her aunt was staying with them. The girl had left the house in Bheem Nagar locality after an ice-cream vendor passed by. However, the girl was later missing.

“Around two hours later, some women from the colony spotted stray dogs near the sugarcane fields,” the girl’s uncle Vijender told The Indian Express. “When we reached the fields and started looking there, we found her body. Her ears seemed to have been bitten off. There were injuries on her arms and legs, too.”


The two-year-old was then taken to a hospital where doctors declared her dead on arrival. “The girl died after she was dragged and attacked by stray dogs,” Senior Superintendent of Police (Ghaziabad) Viabhav Krishna told the Hindustan Times. “There is no foul play.”

The police added that the family is yet to file a complaint or give permission for a postmortem examination.

In the last six months, a total of 14 people have been killed and several injured after feral dogs mauled them in Uttar Pradesh’s Sitapur district.