After Michelle Wolf unapologetically attacked everyone in the Donald Trump administration – including Mike Pence, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the President himself, and also the correspondents over at Fox News – at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner, the backlash was fast and furious. Wolf received a barrage of hate comments for her supposedly “indecent” and “filthy” jokes at the dinner.

But America’s talk show hosts had her back. Both Trevor Noah and Seth Meyers jumped to her defence in their shows. Wolf has previously been a part of both The Daily Show with Trevor Noah and The Late Show with Seth Meyers. So her ex-bosses were quick to point out that she is a comedian and telling jokes is her job. Moreover, they argued, what she said was nothing worse than some of the things Trump himself has said in the past.

As Noah said (video above), tongue firmly in cheek, comedians have to be respectful, but the President, on the other hand, can say anything he likes. Meyers added (video below), “She is filthy and she is mean – which is what we love about her. Because those are wonderful qualities for comedians, and terrible qualities for free-world leaders”.