A 29-year-old woman allegedly beheaded her eight-month-old child, chopped his body up and was found sleeping next to it in their home in Delhi’s Aman Vihar area, PTI reported on Saturday. Some reports claimed the woman has a mental illness.

The police said the 29-year-old woman attacked her child early on Friday when she was alone at home, the Hindustan Times reported. Her two other children were at their grandfather’s home, while her husband, Hari Shankar was at work. Shankar told the police he came home to find her lying next to the body of their son.


He said he sensed something was wrong when his wife did not open the door. “I broke open the door and saw there was blood all around and my son’s head was lying on the floor while my wife was holding his body in her lap,” Shankar told PTI.

The woman also appeared to have attacked herself. She was taken to a hospital for treatment. “The woman is semi-conscious and we haven’t been able to speak to her, but she has been violent even at the hospital,” MN Tiwari, deputy commissioner of police (outer Delhi), told the Hindustan Times.

Reports said the couple lost another son four years ago, and with this alleged killing, relatives suspect the woman may have murdered him too. However, DCP Tiwari told the newspaper that he could “neither confirm, nor deny” this.