West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday said she had asked former Congress President Sonia Gandhi to unite to form a federal front to defeat the Bharatiya Janata Party in the 2019 General Elections, PTI reported. Banerjee met Sonia Gandhi at her 10 Janpath residence in New Delhi. The chief minister also met several Bharatiya Janta Party leaders who are known to be critical of their party.
Banerjee said she discussed the current political scenario and strategies to defeat the BJP with Gandhi. “We want the Congress to help the regional parties’ front, so as to facilitate a one-is-to-one fight,” Banerjee told media persons after her meeting. “The party that is the strongest in the state should contest against the BJP there.”
On Tuesday, she met leaders of several Opposition parties in Parliament sparking talk of a third front taking shape to counter the BJP in the elections. She also met Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut – his party is an ally of the BJP at the Centre, but has often criticised the government.
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