Obviously it couldn’t have been long before US talk show Stephen Colbert went nose to nose with Cambridge Analytica and Facebook over the massive leak – some call it theft – of user information.

As Colbert pointed out in the video above, what’s most concerning is that Facebook was aware of this breach. “Really? The one time I actually wanted a Facebook alert”, he said sardonically.

On his show, Colbert showed secret footage captured by Britain’s Channel 4, where Cambridge Analytica executives boasting of playing a part in elections around the world by invoking fear and using different forms of bribery, including women from the Ukraine. Taking a jab at Trump, he said, “Well, we don’t have to worry about them blackmailing our leaders. As long as no one in Washington is attracted to Eastern European women – oh my god”.

Colbert also went after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for remaining silent on this issue. ‘It’s like the bank handed over your money to the robbers because that’s their business model,’ he said (video below).