Women across the world face obstacles like a wage gap, sexual harassment, and gender biases in pursuing their careers. But in India, the situation is a little more dire. Out of 145 countries in the world, India ranks 139th when it comes to economic participation of women.

What would happen if workplaces in India started employing just as many women as they do men?

Seven hundred billion dollars. According to the video above, that’s how much could be added to India’s GDP by 2025 if we achieve complete gender parity in the country, . But to achieve that, things (read: patriarchy) will have to change first.

The video above by Vitamin Stree “scratches the surface” of the workplace in India to understand and explain the participation gap between men and women in the country, with the use of some shocking statistics by JobsForHer. To put it in their words, “If corporate life in India was a horror movie – and it kinda is – women would be killed off in the first 10 minutes.”