Meet Alain Robert, also known as the “French Spiderman”. A man so fearless that he climbs some of the tallest buildings in the world with only his climbing shoes. His most recent achievement was scaling was the fourth-tallest building in Paris.

This building has 48 floors and is 614 feet tall. With no safety net, no harness and no official permission, Robert climbed to the top of the building in over an hour, using only chalk powder to prevent himself from slipping, besides his climbing shoes. Despite the police disrupting his initial attempt, Robert managed to escape their clutches and reach the top.

“For me, climbing is a passion, it’s a way of life”, he says in the video. Even at the age of 55 he continues to pursue his passion. “As long as I have the physical strength to scale heights, I will continue to climb”. He has scaled 150 skyscrapers around the world, including the Burj Khalifa at Dubai, the Eiffel Tower, and the Sydney Opera House.