Just past our fourth-year anniversary, Scroll.in has a lot to be excited about. We’ve grown from being a daily newsmagazine, somewhat eccentrically publishing five stories every morning, into a comprehensive, one-stop news source – running the latest stories as they break. To do this, we’ve built a network of award-winning reporters across India who bring perspective to the most important stories of the day, and uncover the stories that aren’t being told. Along the way, our independent, courageous coverage has earned us the trust of millions of readers every month, a gift we treat with the responsibility it deserves.

In a time when many digital publications mainly offer “breaking views” that provide instant water-cooler analysis of news events, Scroll.in has chosen to do the hard work of reporting from the field. This is complemented by sharp analysis that brings essential context to news developments. Through each unpredictable day, Scroll.in’s readers know exactly what they can expect: stories in text and video that are rigorously researched, lucidly told, stories that bring insight, astonishment and delight.


In our attempt to cover the stories that matter and the things that make life worth living, we have created a host of popular sections: The Reel, which carries incisive film reviews and commentary; Magazine, to showcase some of India’s best feature writing; The Field, which demonstrates that there’s much more to sports than just cricket (and that it isn’t only men who play sport); the country’s most comprehensive Books pages; and Pulse, with a focus on the health sector.

In our offices, we view many stock media phrases with alarm. We are irked, for instance, by the suggestion that reporters should produce “content” for “consumers”. At Scroll.in, we publish journalism for engaged, thinking readers. This intense focus on the reader informs our technology and business decisions too.

This doesn’t come cheap. Recognising that there are millions of readers who care passionately about a free press, we’re asking you to help support our newsroom by subscribing to Scroll+. We’re starting with a version that gives subscribers an ad-free experience and full access to our four-year archives. As we move on, we will include exclusive weekly offers from hand-picked partners and a host of new features.


This doesn’t mean we’re putting our pieces behind a paywall. We intend to keep Scroll.in’s high-quality articles accessible to anyone who wants them. You could help us do this by paying a monthly subscription fee that costs less than a single movie ticket.

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