In an interview with The Guardian on Saturday, British actor Michael Caine has said that he will never work with director Woody Allen again. He was responding to a question about what he makes of the sexual assault allegations by Allen’s daughter, Dylan Farrow.

“I am so stunned,” Caine told the publication. “I’m a patron of the NSPCC [National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children] and have very strong views about paedophilia. I can’t come to terms with it, because I loved Woody and had a wonderful time with him. I even introduced him to Mia [Farrow]. I don’t regret working with him, which I did in complete innocence; but I wouldn’t work with him again, no.”


Caine had starred in Allen’s Hannah and Her Sisters (1986). He also won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for the movie.

Among the 84-year-old actor’s upcoming films is Night in Hatton Garden, directed by James Marsh. The official synopsis: “The film tells the story of the epic multi-million-pound robbery initially believed to be undertaken by a gang of super-thieves. The actual perpetrators were a group of tough-guy retired criminals in their late 60s and 70s — with all kinds of physical maladies — who were mostly unoccupied and bored, until they consulted a bunch of how-to books and figured out a way to pull off one last hurrah over a long weekend in April 2015.”