The people at Diageo, makers of Johnnie Walker Scotch whisky apparently think that “Scotch as a category is seen as particularly intimidating by women.” So, as a symbol of the brand’s commitment to progress, the company has unveiled Jane Walker, a feminine counterpart of the original.

Or, as US talk show host Stephen Colbert put it in the video above, “Johnnie Walker gets a lady friend: Jane Walker.” He also explained that this feminine version tastes exactly the same, the only difference being the image of a striding woman on the pack.


Furthermore, to truly commemorate the spirit of women, Jane Walker is being launched in March to coincide with Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day. And for every bottle of Jane Walker sold, the company will donate $1 to organisations supporting women’s causes.

“Truly, what the suffragettes fought for,” remarked Colbert. Here are some more reactions from the court of the people: