Did you find Ed Sheeran’s popular song Shape Of You problematic for its moderately sexist lyrics and the male gaze that accompanies it? Here’s a version that may not bother you the same way. Steve Mah’s parody of the pop song completely subverts the lyrics and makes it all about... philosophy.

Of course, it’s still a love song, except the singer is In love with your philosophy. Unlike Sheeran, therefore, who ditches a club to go to a bar to find a lover, Mah – who directed, wrote and performed the song – sings, “The bar isn’t the best place to find a lover so the library’s where I go.”


From Kant and Camus to Heidegger and Descartes – it’s a veritable (though mercifully brief) lesson in philosophy itself. Pro tip: make sure to Google all the references or, as Mah suggests in the video description, go read Existential Comics.

What can we say, we’re in love with the singer’s point of view.