Personal flight is the final frontier of travel (at least, till “Beam me up, Scotty,” becomes reality). The latest attempt to breach that frontier seems to work – and it’s based on a simple idea rather than equipping us with wings.

Tech company Zapata, known for creating some of the coolest hydro and jet powered technologies and gadgets, has launched a Segway for the skies, called EZFLY (video above). The Segway (video below), as you might remember, is an all-terrain personal vehicle that you can steer across flat surfaces, inclines, and even steps. What Zapata has done is to add a set of jet thrusters to launch you into the sky and maintain momentum.

It’s not on sale, not just yet. The gadget comes equipped with a platform to stand on, and two hand grips to drive and navigate. Pretty much like a regular Segway – which has had other spin-off too – in other words. And it seems to work.