The Bharatiya Janata Party in Karnataka has reacted strongly to a government circular asking for cases against “innocent minorities” on rioting charges to be withdrawn, PTI reported on Saturday. The party accused the Congress government in the state of “working against Hindus”.

Assembly elections are due in Karnataka – the largest remaining Congress-ruled state – this year.

“We are considering withdrawal of not just cases filed against people from minority communities during communal disturbances, but also farmers during agitations and pro-Kannada activists during agitations,” Chief Minister Siddaramaiah (pictured above) said on Friday, according to The Indian Express.


The state BJP had posted a copy of the circular, issued by Assistant Inspector General of Police Shivaprakash Devaraju, on Twitter on Thursday. The circular asked police divisions in the state to give details of cases from the last five years where people from minority communities were booked for communal violence. This was the fourth reminder issued by the police.

Clarifying the government’s stand, Home Minister Ramalinga Reddy said: “We are looking at minor cases where people have been booked and considering their withdrawal. No big cases will be withdrawn.” He said the previous BJP government in the state had also withdrawn cases against Hindutva activists.