Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday said there should be no “political interference” in the functioning of constitutional institutions, PTI reported. The Aam Aadmi Party chief’s statements follow the president’s disqualification of 20 of his party MLAs after the Election Commission recommended the action.
Political interference destroys every constitutional institution, Kejriwal said, adding that allowing them to work independently guaranteed better results.
The Aam Aadmi Party had said that the Election Commission had no right to recommend the disqualification as the Delhi High Court had set aside their appointments as parliamentary secretaries in 2016. Senior AAP leader Gopal Rai said the recommendations were a “parting gift” from Election Commission Chief Achal Kumar Joti to the prime minister.
“Everyone in the country has only one question on their mind – what was the compulsion for him to take the decision with only two days to retire?,” Rai had asked.
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