A fan-made film on Lord Voldemort, the antagonist in JK Rowling’s Harry Potter novels, has finally been completed and uploaded on YouTube for free viewing. Voldemort is portrayed by various actors, including Ralph Fiennes, in the blockbuster movies adapted from the books.

The 50-minute Voldemort: Origins of the Heir was made in Italian and dubbed in English. The film examines the character’s origins and is drawn from Rowling’s inspired by JK Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Warner Bros, which has produced and distributed the Harry Potter movies, contacted the filmmakers when they put out an appeal for funds through the online crowdsourcing resource Kickstarter. The studio allowed the filmmakers to proceed with the film on the condition that it would be released for free after completion.

Director Gianmaria Pezato told The Independent, “We wondered, ‘What made Tom Riddle become Voldemort?’ What happened in those years, and what really went down at Hogwarts when he came back? There are some clues in the books which have not been transposed at all in the movies, but a lot goes unspoken. This is the story we want to tell: The rise of the Dark Lord before Harry Potter and his first demise.”