Hayao Miyazaki, a stalwart in Japanese animation filmmaking, is all set to debut his short film Kemushi No Boro (Boro the Catterpillar) at the Ghibli Museum on March 21. The anime comes five years after Miyazaki’s last offering, the 2013 full-length anime feature The Wind Rises.

According to the Ghibli Mueseum website, the Kemushi No Boro tells the story of a recently hatched caterpillar who sets out to experience the world filled with older caterpillars and their enemies. Miyazaki has written and directed the film.


The veteran animator and filmmaker is also working on what will reportedly be his final film: Kimi-tachi wa Do Ikiru ka (How Do You Live?). In October last year, Miyazaki said that it would take him three to four years to finish the film. The film is based on Genzaburo Yoshino’s 1937 book of the same name and chronicles the spiritual coming-of-age of a man named Koperu. Studio Ghibli producer Toshio Suzuki has described the film as a hand-drawn “action adventure fantasy”.

Miyazaki had earlier announced his retirement from making full-length films in 2013 and said that The Wind Rises would be his last feature.