There’s old-fashioned special effects. There’s computer-generated imagery. There’s Christopher Nolan’s Inception and Interstellar.

And then there’s Huxley Berg Studios, a YouTube channel dedicated to recreating trailers of or scenes from popular films, especially superhero or sci-fi films involving heavy special effects, entirely with LEGO blocks.

The channel most recently used LEGO to re-create a crucial scene from the latest episode in the Star Wars film series, The Last Jedi: The entire throne room scene, with Rey, Kylo Ren and Supreme Leader Snoke. And, of course, there are lots of lightsabers.


In case you’re wondering about accuracy, watch the original trailer side-by-side with the LEGO version below. You will not be disappointed.

If you liked everything so far, you might also enjoy watching this astounding recreation of a 17-minute scene from Captain America, or the trailer for Spider Man, below.