Like its predecessors, 2017 too was a year full of surprises – some good and some bad. But whether you see the glass as half-full or half-empty, it cannot have been a wasted year if you can laugh at it.

That’s the idea behind comedy troupe All India Bakchod’s video Desi Rewind (above).

Recreating popular Bollywood song from the year, the video brings in the entire forces of AIB to recap all the major events – both wins and losses – from demonetisation, smog, communal tension and railway tragedies, to Olympic medals, the right to privacy, the triple talaq verdict and more.


And, of course, there’s always hope for the new year. This song-and-dance round-up of the year that was is entertaining enough to forgive the commercial message tacked on. And for good measure, there’s a public service announcement attached to the message.

And here’s last year’s summary, in the same form, by the same people, with the same – all right, similar – jokes: