Jammu and Kashmir continued to shiver as the temperature remained at sub-zero levels and visibility dropped because of dense fog. The state is currently experiencing the harshest 40-day period of winter that the people call ‘Chillai Kalan’, the Hindustan Times reported.

Meanwhile, for the first time in three years sub-zero temperature was recorded at Udhagamandalam, or Ooty, in Tamil Nadu on Sunday night as the temperature fell to minus 3 degrees Celsius at Sandinala on the outskirts of the hill station.


Kargil, where the temperature plummeted to minus 11.4 degrees Celsius on Sunday, continued to be the coldest place in the country for the second consecutive day. On Saturday night, the temperature had dropped to minus 15.2 degrees Celsius, an official of the meteorological department told the Kashmir Reader. The minimum temperature in Srinagar was minus 2 degrees Celsius on Sunday night.

The minimum temperature in Delhi fell to 7 degrees Celsius. Visibility dropped early in the morning because of dense fog, delaying 26 trains. Seventeen trains were cancelled, ANI reported. The Meteorological Department predicted that visibility in northern parts of Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi and West Uttar Pradesh would continue to be poor because of very dense fog.

The department said that minimum temperature would fall by 1-­2 degrees Celsius in Punjab, Haryana, North Rajasthan, and northwest Madhya Pradesh in the next one day.