Trevor Noah’s year-end special couldn’t possibly have been on a subject other than US President Donald Trump. “Sexual harassment, Russians, Russians sexually harassing the election, something like that,” Noah began, offering a summary of 2017.

He is convinced that the president is a paradox. “Every day I wake up terrified at the notion that he’s president of the most powerful nation in the world, but I must admit every day I also wake up knowing he’s going to make me laugh.”

Noah acknowledged that he had not given the president enough credit. He was surprised when the President didn’t end the world on his first international trip. Back then, Noah thought to himself, “Donald Trump is going to go to Saudi Arabia and give a speech on Islam to actual Muslims? I was waiting for the world to end in that moment. I thought he was going to get off that plane, see all the Muslim women dressed up and say, ‘So many ninjas!’ and it was just going to end.”