A short while ago in a galaxy far, far away, the five most sinister villains in the universe came together to form a band in a genre perfectly befitting the dark side – heavy metal – and released a music video for Duel of the Fates (original version at the bottom).

The famous theme from Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace is recreated with heavy riffs and some high powered shredding, while the video shows a recreation of the spectacular lightsaber duels of Obi-wan Kenobi and Qui Gon Jinn with Darth Maul, the Death Star, some cheeky humour and more.


The sinister band comprises top villain “Dark Vader” as the frontman on lead guitar, Shadow Ranger on guitar, Boba Sett on drums, the Red Guard on guitar, and Bass Commander on, of course, bass. The entire crew of the Death Star joins the band to sing in perfect harmony.

The force, indeed, is strong in this one.

Galactic Empire was formed in 2015 in the United States by the Sith Lor... sorry, by Carson James Slovak and Grant McFarland. It all started as fun with a remix of The Imperial March (music video below), though this year they released a self-titled album.