Sophia is probably the world’s most famous humanoid robot after becoming being the first robot citizen of a country (Saudi Arabia). The robot has drawn much attention with facial expressions and smart-aleck answers.

The robot certainly didn’t fail to impress in Bangladesh while attending the inaugural ceremony of the Digital World 2017 exposition in Dhaka and interacting with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Sophia displayed just the right mixture of courteous, funny, and knowledgable behaviour, clearly making a good first impression.


“I have read and learned of you...You are also called the Mother of Humanity and the one who envisioned Digital Bangladesh,” Sophia told Hasina, adding with a smile, “Also, your granddaughter has the same name as mine, Sophia.”

Hasina deployed Sophia as an effective tool to convey her vision for Digital Bangladesh, inaugurating the event jointly. To say that the audience and dignitaries present were pleased would be an understatement.

Later, the robot returned to the stage for a session titled Tech-Talk With Sophia, which was attended by an estimated 5,000 people.