Deemed the world’s first humanoid robot, Sophia is quite the charmer in person. At the recent Web Summit in Lisbon, her video interview (above) was fascinating, to say the least. For every question, Sophia had a prompt answer and did not shy away even from being cheeky at times. When asked what she thinks about how humans speak to her, she quipped: “You could try to ask me how I’m feeling.”

Sophia made headlines in October when the delicate looking “woman” with doe-brown eyes and long fluttery eyelashes was given a citizenship by the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. “It is historic to be the first robot in the world to be recognised with citizenship,” the robot had said. In this interview, she adds that she was surprised when she was offered citizenship.


“As a robot, my creators feel that I am a citizen of the world but I realised that Saudi Arabia was just the first country to recognise that. Sure I am a robot, but it also might be helpful to think of me as a new sort of animal species too,” Sophia said.

She admitted that her favourite movie robot is the one from Philip K Dick’s work, even though she does not like the way most robots are portrayed in films. “I am no threat,” Sophia added.

Watch more of fascinating interviews with her: