Gregory Heinzman was visiting the International Spy Museum in Washington DC when he decided to try something daring. A set of screens, part of the museum exhibit called Earth Redesigned displayed a bold warning: “Touch at your own risk”. Accompanying the warning was a screen that showed what appeared to be a virtual shark tanks.

Heinzman seemingly couldn’t resist and, like most of us would have done, proceeded to tap the screen. A great white shark swam by in the virtual shark tank, but that wasn’t enough for Heinzman. He continued to insistently tap the glass, as you can watch in the video above, until he finally got a jaw-dropping surprise that made him fall flat on his behind. Watch what happened, in the video above.


The virtual shark tank was part of the display, and was based on the vision of a James Bond character from The Spy Who Loved Me, Karl Stromberg, and his ideas about a post-apocalyptic world beneath the sea.

The video above was captured by Heinzman’s friend, Casey Peck. However, he wasn’t the only one to fall prey to the temptations of the warning sign. Watch more victims of the virtual shark tank, below.