The Unique Identification Authority of India, which is tasked with issuing the Aadhaar card to all citizens of India, on Friday denied that there was any “goof up” during an enrolment process at Gaindi Khata village in Uttarakhand’s Haridwar. All the villagers had the same date of birth – January 1 – on their Aadhaar card, PTI reported.
The UIDAI said that in instances where Aadhaar applicants do not know their date of birth but can only recall their age, January 1 is taken as their official date of birth by default. The agency said that the date of birth can be updated later by visiting any Aadhaar enrolment centre or online, if the applicants furnishes documentary proof.
After news of the identical dates of birth, Haridwar Sub Divisional Magistrate Manish Singh had said that an inquiry would be conducted and action would be taken against “wrongdoers”.
“We were told we will be getting a unique identification number. But what is unique about it? Even our birthdays are the same now,” Alafdin, one of the residents of Gaindi Khata had said after the alleged goof-up came to light.
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