Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s car, which was stolen from outside the secretariat on Thursday, was found in Ghaziabad on Saturday morning, reported ANI. A senior police officer said that the Uttar Pradesh Police have informed their Delhi counterparts.

No one has been arrested for the theft yet. The police have circulated the picture of the accused across Delhi, reported NDTV. The theft was captured on CCTV camera. But the police had said that the footage was blurred.

In a letter to Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijlal on Friday, Kejriwal had highlighted the deteriorating law and order situation in the Capital. “My car getting stolen is a small matter. But the fact that it went missing outside the Delhi Secretariat reflects the rapidly deteriorating law and order situation in Delhi,” said Kejriwal, according to NDTV.

An Aam Aadmi Party volunteer from the United Kingdom, Kundan Sharma, had gifted Kejriwal the car in January 2013. Kejriwal gave the WagonR to Naveen Jaihind, the party leader in charge of Haryana, in 2014. Presently, the car was being used by AAP media coordinator and youth wing chief Vandana Singh.