Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Adityanath on Friday said wherever Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi campaigns, the party loses, ANI reported. “If Rahul Gandhi is campaigning, it seals a loss for the Congress,” he said in Gujarat’s Valsad district while addressing a rally as part of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s “Gujarat Gaurav Yatra”.
He said Gandhi and the Congress were “anti-development”, and “supporters of destruction”, PTI reported. The Uttar Pradesh chief minister claimed that Gandhi’s Lok Sabha constituency, Amethi, had not seen any development in a long time. “In the last 14 years, being an MP from Uttar Pradesh, he has not even built an office of the district collector. What can you expect from such a person for development of Gujarat?” he said.
He blamed the Congress scion of ignoring people’s plight. “When Saurashtra was flooded, you went to Italy. Prime Minister Narendra Modi comes here, Amit Shah comes here, but you cannot visit people at that time.”
Adityanath also said that the Uttar Pradesh had adopted the Gujarat model of development and was implementing several schemes. He praised Modi for the rapid progress of the country, and for turning development into a movement of people.
The Uttar Pradesh chief minister was shown black flags by Congress supporters in Valsad on Friday. The police detained three people, but released them later, PTI reported.
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